How many times someone has pointed at me and shouted "老外" this week: 2

Saturday, February 20, 2010

"Hey Lady, you want buy an Abercrombie?"

So I made it to Shanghai alive. The Beard and I may be delirious from lack of sleep, but we tried to enjoy the day. We wanted to have the most Chinese experience we possibly could, so of course we went to Best Buy, McDonalds, and Starbucks. Much to my surprise, I have found that I actually can still speak Chinese. This post is lacking, but I haven't really done much to tell you about. I just wanted to write to let ya'll know we are alive.

I'm getting rather hungry, and I think I already found where I will be dining tonight.

Oh China, how I love you.

1 comment:

  1. What a surprise, the best student in her class can still speak Chinese... enjoy your delicious gruel. The address for Tianzifang/天子坊 is 泰康路248号... I think the quickest way for you would be to...

    Take Line 2 to Jing'an Temple
    Take (the brand new) Line 7 to Changshu Road
    Take Line 1 to Shaanxi Nan Lu

    From there it's about a ten minute walk. Go out exit 2, walk east two blocks and take a right on 瑞金二路 and walk straight until you get to 泰康路, then take a left and walk into any of the alleys and you'll find the place. you'll love it. : )
